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What is a DPF and how does it affects my Land Rover / Range Rover


What is a DPF and how does it affects my Land Rover / Range Rover

In order to meet stringent emission regulations, introduced in 2009, all new diesel vehicles are fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

What is a Diesel Particulate Filter?

A Diesel Particulate Filter is an extra filter installed into the exhaust system close to the engine. Its job is to cut harmful emissions such as soot from entering our atmosphere. It’s controlled by an emissions control system that monitors the filter and cleans it, when necessary, this is called a regeneration, unfortunately it needs to be driven in a certain way to perform this function.

What are the warning signs that regeneration isn’t working?

In most cases this is achieved by driving at 50-70mph for at least 25 minutes. Driving within these parameters helps to maintain your DPF, however, if you do a lot of small journeys in your Land Rover / Range Rover it can’t complete the regeneration and becomes clogged up. At this point you will probably see a yellow warning lamp on the dash quickly followed by a red warning lamp (you should not be driving your vehicle), as it will seriously damage the DPF and start causing other damage to your Land Rover / Range Rover. DPF’s are very expensive!

What are the warning signs that regeneration isn’t working?

How can Newbury 4x4 Centre help?

Firstly, you can help yourself by making sure you frequently use your Land Rover / Range Rover at 50mph for at least 25 minutes. This will help it meet the right criteria to perform a regeneration and keep your DPF in good condition.

However, if it is to late and the dreaded warning lights are on, we at Newbury 4x4 Centre can help by either carrying out a forced regeneration or by removing the DPF unit and professionally testing and cleaning the unit in-house with our specialist equipment and trained technicians.

If it’s found not to be damaged internally, we simply fit your DPF to our own machine that carries out a thorough clean to get rid of all the soot and carbon build up restoring your DPF back to as new condition. This service will save you having to replace the costly unit.

As we can do this on site it also means you are back on the road quicker as we don’t need to send your DPF off for testing and repair which can normally take at least 5 working days.

How Newbury 4x4 Centre can help you with your DPF

So, there you have it, you now know what you can do to help prevent your DPF from causing you problems and what we at Newbury 4x4 Centre can do to help get you back on the road as quickly as possible at a reasonable cost.

Please feel free to give us a call on 01635 32028 to discuss any DPF issues you may have or send an email to

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